aGEnda 21-Förderverein...

... (Association for the Promotion of aGEnda 21): 21 euros for Agenda 21

Fourteen members founded the Förderverein Lokale Agenda 21 in Gelsenkirchen e.V. This association has the task to provide money for the promotion of projects or special campaigns. "21 euros for aGEnda 21"- as the motto suggests, the annual fee has been kept low deliberately. After all, supporting the aGEnda 21work shall not fail because of the limited financial means of an individual. However, there is no need to stress that higher contributions are, of course, more than welcome. In 2004, the Association for the Promotion of aGEnda 21 was able to help finance the first two major projects: the cookbook "Lecker Gelsenkirchen" and the solar energy plant at the local bus terminal.